About Me and My friends
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More about Moi
In my spare time I do manage to work at a part time job. This job I talk of is at Hiboy Drive In, which is a locally owned fast food restaurant in Independence where I live. My boss, is my best friend's girlfriend's father. Did you follow that. Anyways its one of the best places to eat in the Kansas City area, and I suggest you drop by to eat if you are ever in the area. If you dont find me at my job, you will usually find me playing a pick up game of basketball or soccer. If Im not there, good luck finding me, cause I dont know where I will be half the time. My favorite college sports team is the MU Tiger's basketball team. Even though I dont go to college there, they are still MY team, and I hardly ever miss a game on TV or in person. My favorite professional team is the Sacremento Kings, because they just look like they are enjoying what they do, and arent in the game for the money.

My Website's History
This website is brand new, so there is very little history behind it. I made it partly because I wanted to put a piece of me on the web, partly because i knew I would need one for class someday. I hope to include some parts about me, but also the things that influence my life like my family, friends, sports, etc. So I guess you could kind of call it an overview of my life huh.

My friends and me
Good friends are hard to come by, and luckily I have been blessed with many of them. (Girls come and go but Best Friends are forever) So lets start out with Michael...What do I say I've known the boy since before I can even remember, and I cant remember doing anything without him...He is the true epitome of a best friend...Tyler-I met the boy with a mohawk, and boy has it his style changed. Once the boy who had his own fashion, to the one that I come to about whats new in fashion. Oh yeah probably the one person in my life who is most like me, we seem to connect in everything we do. He is one of those people that you can hang out with for 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, and you still never run out of things to do or get tired of hanging with him. Adam- hmmm...probably my one best friend that I can count on to be there anytime i need him. He cares more about other people than he does about himself. He is a person that you can count on to be there always and never turn his back on ya. Nathan...Man no one parties like him. You want to know whats happening at any night of the week you come to him. He is my one best friend that I can hang out with and all my worries go away. If there was one person that I had to take to a Mardi Gras with me, it would be him. We don't get to hang out that much but man when we do, its the best. I miss you man. Ryan- I grew up with ya, and we've been through everything best friends could go through. We dont get to see each other very much, but when we do, we keep it real for shoa. Jessi- possibly the one exception to my adam rule. You can count on her to be anywhere at anytime if you need her. She knows everything that goes on in my life at all times, and she can always be counted on for good advice always. Jessi is probably my smartest friend with maybe the exception of Mr. Doctor-to-be Michael, and she is not just book smart but people smart. I can always count on her and that is very important to me. Christina- last but most definetly not least. Christina is probably the most perfect person for me to date, but we could never get that worked out. But she is happy with my good buddie nate, so Im happy for her. Christina is exactly like me in almost every way, and we could almost be twins, even though Im cuter, hehe. She is very emotional about everyone in her life, and connects with me on a very emotional and intimate level. We dont get to hang out any more, and I miss all of our long talks that we had, they were some of the best times of my life...My friends are the best that you could ask for in the world, and I wouldnt be where I am today without them.

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