The Goods
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Welcome to Kyle's Domain
Whats up everybody, especially you single, available ladies. My name is Kyle, but my friends call me well...ummm...Kyle I guess, and I'm located in Kansas City Missouri, but Im more interested in hearing about you. What about me you ask...Well I'm a 5 foot 11 athletic looking 19 year old, with baby blue eyes, and blond tipped dark hair. (Thats me on the left in yellow with my good college buddy matt, after taking a dare to shave my hair... Something I'm considering doing again) I like any sport that involves a ball, and hanging out with my friends. I'm a Capricorn and like long romantic walks on the beach...No for real. I live to have fun, and life is nothing without friends. Afterall, I say 'let my friends live as long as they want, but let me live one day less, for what is life without friends.' But I want to hear about you, so feel free to check out my webpage, for it will hopefully be updated weekly, if you got any comments or you just wanna chat you can reach me at my AOL screen name s0ccerstud82, but the o in soccer is a zero, so hit me back just to chat.
Whats New
Well this is just the beginning of my home page, I know quite a bit about computers, but unfortunately I don't have all of the tools I need to have a truly kicking webpage, like a scanner or webcam or anything like that. So I will update the page from time to time, when I get enough material to make a true difference. I dont know a whole lot of what to put on my webpage, so if you could help me out with some suggestions or anything like that, it would be truly awesome, and I would owe you a debt of gratitude, lol. Anyways, check out my page from time to time and see whats new, and let me know what you think. I would love to hear any comments or suggestions that you have on the page. My email is, but the o in soccer is actually a zero, so dont forget that. So I look forward to hearing from you.
The 'ins' and 'outs' of Kyle Austin
Well lets see... I'm originally from Independence, Missouri which is just outside of Kansas City, but I am currently stationed at Kirksville, Missouri where I attend Truman State University. But that will soon be changing as I head off to Southwest Missouri State Univerisity in Springfield, Missouri, where I am hoping to major in Secondary Education with an emphasis on History. I am 19 years old currently, and a freshmen in college. I am very athletic, and am driven to compete in anything I do, but my favorite sports are basketball and soccer, although I play almost any sport that you can name. I am an active Catholic, although I dont always make it to church when I'm at school (it comes to early on a Sunday morning). My friends and family are the most important people in my life, and I wouldn't be successful without them. Check out my photo page, to see some pics if you want.

Jokes Unlimited
Here we go:
Okay Mickey and Minny are in a court room, and the judge asks Mickey, "so let me get this straight Mickey, you're divorcing Minny because she is....what crazy???" Mickey says 'no no no, you didnt hear me, Im divorcing Minny because she is fucking Goofy."

Once there was a fly sitting on a lilypad and over on another lilypad sat a frog. The frog was thinking, if that fly moved down three inches I would have myself a nice meal, down below the water swam a fish, and it was thinking if the fly moved down three inches the frog could have a nice meal and so could I as I eat the frog. On the shore sat a bear and he was thinking the same thing, if the fly moved down three inches, the frog could eat the fly, the fish could eat the frog, and I could eat the fish. Meanwhile, a hunter sat in the woods, and noticed that if the fly moved down three inches, the frog could eat the fly, the fish could eat the frog, the bear eat the fish, and I could shoot the bear and have a nice meal. Inside the hunters napsack sat a mouse, and he noticed the hunter was eating a cheese sandwich, and he noticed that if the fly moved down three inches, the frog could eat the fly, the fish eat the frog, the bear eat the fish, the hunter shoot bear, and mouse get cheese sandwich. Meanwhile on a tree above the hunter sat a cat, and he sees the whole situation, and thinks that if the frog eats the fly, the fish the frog, the bear the fish, the hunter the bear, then it could have the mouse. A few minutes later these chain of events takes place. The frog eats the fly, the fish eats the frog, the bear eats the fish, the hunter shoots the bear, the mouse gets the sandwich, and the cat falls in the water...Whats the moral of the story...Anytime the fly moves down three inches, the puss gets wet.

My Spare Car
I decided to choose yellow with black racing stripes because it reminds me of a bumblebee, and bumblebees are very interesting creatures don't you think.
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